The Objective :
The basic aim of this project is to be able to maintain a constant temperature inside a closed container, the temperature required to be maintained is specified by the user.The user should be able to set any temperature between those limits , and the project setup will try to maintain the closed system at that set temperature.
Possible Applications :
Temperature control of systems is required by many industries such as food processing, chemical processing etc .
One of the upcoming application of this system is to replicate favorable climate conditions for the growth a a particular plant. Temperature is one of the factors that comes under climate control.
Initial Approach :
The logic behind working of this project is that a Micro-Controller will poll the readings of a temperature sensor continuously and depending on the set temperature and the current temperature reading provide the necessary instruction to a 'Heating Element' or 'Cooling Element' , thereby completing a feedback loop.
If the Set Temperature < Current Temperature
Activate Cooling element and Deactivate Heating element
If the Set Temperature > Current Temperature
Activate Heating element and Deactivate Cooling element
Heating Element can be something like a coil that produces heat when current is passed through it.
Cooling Element can be something like a fan .
Micro-controller is Arduino.
And the closed container can be a Thermocol box
Next : Flaws in the current approach and improvements + fixing some components